Great Bradford, 

Can you post some videos if you have some ?


On 6/3/09 11:58 AM, "Bradford Stephens" <> wrote:

> Hey everyone!
> I just wanted to give a BIG THANKS for everyone who came. We had over a
> dozen people, and a few got lost at UW :)  [I would have sent this update
> earlier, but I flew to Florida the day after the meeting].
> If you didn't come, you missed quite a bit of learning and topics. Such as:
> -Building a Social Media Analysis company on the Apache Cloud Stack
> -Cancer detection in images using Hadoop
> -Real-time OLAP
> -Scalable Lucene using Katta and Hadoop
> -Video and Network Flow
> -Custom Ranking in Lucene
> I'm going to update our wiki with the topics, and a few questions raised and
> the lessons we've learned.
> The next meetup will be June 24th. Be there, or be... boring :)
> Cheers,
> Bradford
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Bradford Stephens <
>> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Would anybody be willing to join a PNW Hadoop and/or Lucene User Group
>> with me in the Seattle area? I can donate some facilities, etc. -- I
>> also always have topics to speak about :)
>> Cheers,
>> Bradford

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