On 2 December 2015 at 09:24, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> The GitLab-specific question is what, if anything, is GitLab prepared to
> offer us? Both Nick and Barry have hinted that GitLab would host us, listen
> to our needs, etc., but it has always seemed to be speculation. Do we have
> concrete information as to what GitLab is willing to do for us?

Something I've been pondering recently is whether we might be able to
"have our cake and eat it too", by setting up the workflow to use
GitHub to facilitate easy contributions by folks with a GitHub account
(and allowing folks that don't want a GitHub account to continue
uploading patches to the tracker), while using GitLab to continue to
host the master repository used to make releases on a *.python.org

The main prompt for that thought is the fact that, with the 8.2
release, GitLab introduced repository mirroring as a first class
feature in the Enterprise Edition:

With that setup, development work would happen on GitHub and Roundup,
while release management work would mostly happen on GitLab,
docs.python.org and www.python.org.

The question for GitLab then would be whether or not bidirectional
syncing of pull requests/merge requests between GitHub & GitLab is on
their radar as a possible future feature (one-way syncing is already
possible, through projects like
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/github2gitlab )


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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