On 03/17/2017 10:25 AM, ttu...@codeaurora.org wrote:

I'm sorry, I have to contribute at this point.

I got started with OSS in 2000 when Monta Vista Software (anybody remember HardHat Linux?) hired me as a FAE. I was teamed with a salesperson and we were trying to close business selling an embedded Linux distribution. Every 6 months or so we would have a sales meeting somewhere and engineering would share with us the latest product development news, etc.

Ahead of one of these meetings I happened to be in headquarters (Santa Clara, CA) and remember very clearly the happy face of this engineering manager who had just "wasted" (my opinion) 3-5 days generating a presentation slide-deck with OSS (I don't even know if Open Office was available at that time) for the meeting, instead of spending two hours doing same presentation with Powerpoint.

Just because I work with OSS doesn't automatically make me a zealot for OSS as the only way to go. I choose the correct tool to get the job done. I always hope for an OSS option, but to this day, Outlook is the only product Micro$oft got right and I will choose it over any of the OSS options I have tried as an email client.

I will leave with, think of the contribution to Coreboot source code this energy could generate instead of spending it on fixing a problem that doesn't need fixing?

I am a sysadmin not a programmer, so this is my department.

I believe it needs fixing - It is a philosophical issue, I mean you have to draw the line or you get the slippery slope for "just a little non-free here for convenience just this once" has lead to most of the community thinking that a system with 100% blobbed hw init is "free firmware" (coreboot just being a wrapper shim loader for FSP in that case) or that linux drivers with a binary blob are "open source drivers".
It is a matter of pride.

The linux communities quiet acceptance of things like ME/PSP (ex: why don't sysadmins say no and buy POWER?) - is because of philosophy-slacking.

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