
 Healthcare Text Analytics Conference
                  HealTAC 2023
   Manchester, UK, June 14-16, 2023

The early bird registration is finishing tomorrow (31 May 2023). The 
(preliminary) programme is out:



The keynotes this year will focus on the impact and promises of large 
healthcare language models. We will hear from two experts that are involved in 
large centres that work with clinical free-text data in the UK and the US.

- Dr Yonghui Wu (University of Florida’s College of Medicine): “Opportunities 
and Challenges of Conversational Artificial Intelligence and Large Language 
Models in Healthcare”
- Dr Angus Roberts (King’s College London): “From regular expressions to 
pre-trained language models – 14 years of applying NLP at the Maudsley 
Biomedical Research Centre”

Panels and forums:
- Industry forum: Translational opportunities and challenges of healthcare 
generative models
- PPIE forum: Co-production of clinical NLP applications with patients and 
- Annotation guidelines: from clinical needs to textual annotations
- Towards evaluation guidelines for clinical NLP applications

Presentations, demos, posters:
- Over 30 different projects presented and discussed in an open and 
collaborative environment.

The early bird fee is £100 for students and £200 for non-students before 31st 
May 2023, and includes the full two days of the conference on June 15th and 
16th (with lunches and the conference dinner on 15th), and pre-conference 
events on June 14th. From June 1st, the registration fee will be £125 for 
students, and £250 for non-students.


HealTAC is supported by Canon Medical, Akrivia Health, HDR UK, Frontiers, 
Hoffmann-La Roche, The Christabel Pankhurst Institute for health technology 
research and innovation, The University of Manchester and Marketing Manchester.

Full details will be available at: http://healtex.org/healtac-2023/


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with 
registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh 
Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.
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