For the full text:

Following the success of the first five editions of the NLLP workshop (NAACL 
2019, KDD 2020, EMNLP 2021, EMNLP 2022, EMNLP 2023), we aim to bring 
researchers and practitioners from NLP, machine learning and other artificial 
intelligence disciplines together with legal practitioners and researchers. We 
welcome submissions describing original work on legal data, as well as data 
with legal relevance, such as:

Applications of NLP to legal tasks including, but not limited to:
Legal Citation Resolution
Case Outcome Analysis and Prediction
Models of Legal Reasoning
Lexical and other Data Resources for the Legal Domain
Bias and Privacy
Applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) to Legal Data and Tasks

Experimental results using and adapting NLP methods for legal data including, 
but not limited to:
Information Retrieval
Anomaly Detection
Knowledge Base Population
Multimedia Search
Link Analysis
Entity Recognition and Disambiguation
Training and Using Embeddings
Dialogue and Discourse Analysis
Text Summarization and Generation
Relation and Event Extraction
Anaphora Resolution
Question Answering
Query Understanding
Combining Text with Structured Data

Description of new legal tasks for NLP
Structured overviews of a specific task with the goal of identifying new areas 
for research
Position papers presenting new visions, challenges and changes to existing 
research practices

Creation of curated and/or annotated data sets that can be publicly released 
and used by the community to advance the field

Descriptions of systems which use NLP technologies for legal text;

Industrial Research:
Industrial applications
Papers describing research on proprietary data

Interdisciplinary position papers:
Legal or socio-legal analyses relating to the role NLP can play in the legal 
Critical reflections on the legality and ethics of data collection and 
processing practices
Critical reflections about the benefits and challenges of Large Language Models 
(LLMs) from a legal and regulatory perspective
Critical reflections on the legality and ethics of data collection and 
processing practices


We accept papers reporting original (unpublished) research of two types:

Long papers (max 8 pages + references)
Short papers (max 4 pages + references)
Appendices and acknowledgements do not count against the maximum page limit and 
should be formatted according to the guidelines below.

To submit a paper, please access the submission link

Conference proceedings will be published on the ACL Anthology.

Shared Task
Together with we organize the LegalLens Shared task. More information 
is provided here

Participants will be invited to describe their system in a paper for the NLLP 
workshop proceedings. The task organizers will write an overview paper that 
describes the task and summarizes the different approaches taken, and analyzes 
their results.

More information on the submission of description papers will follow.

Ethics section
The NLLP workshop adheres to the same standards regarding ethics as the EMNLP 
2024 conference. Authors will be allowed extra space after the 8th page (4th 
for short papers) for an optional broader impact statement or other discussion 
of ethics. Note that an ethical considerations section is not required, but 
papers working with sensitive data or on sensitive tasks that do not discuss 
these issues will not be accepted.

Non-archival option
The authors have the option of submitting previously unpublished research as 
non-archival, meaning that only the abstract will be published in the 
conference proceedings. We expect these submissions to describe the same 
quality of work as archival submissions. These will be reviewed following the 
same procedure as archival submissions. This option accommodates publication of 
the work or a superset at a later date in a conference or journal which does 
not allow previously archived work and to encourage presentation and feedback 
on mature, yet unpublished work. Non-archival submissions should adhere to the 
same formatting and length constraints as archival submissions.

Dual Submission and Pre-print Policy
Papers that have been or will be submitted to workshops, conferences or 
journals during the review period must indicate so at submission time. Authors 
of papers accepted for presentation at the NLLP 2024 workshop must notify the 
organizers by the camera-ready deadline as to whether the paper will be 
presented or withdrawn.

If the preliminary version of a paper was posted in arXiv, the authors should 
NOT mention it as their own paper in the submission. Papers that violate the 
double-blind review requirements will be desk rejected.

Exception: Submissions with the non-archival option are excepted from these 

ACL Rolling Review Submissions
Our workshop also welcomes submissions from ACL Rolling Review (ARR). Authors 
of any papers that are submitted to ARR and have their meta review ready may 
submit their papers and reviews for consideration for the workshop until 27 
September 2024. This should include submissions to ARR for the 15 August 
deadline. The decision of publication will be announced by 8 October 2024. The 
committment should be done via the workshop submission website: ("ACL Rolling Review Committment" 
submission type)

EMNLP 2024 Submissions
Authors of any papers that have been reviewed for EMNLP 2024 and were rejected 
have the opportunity to send their paper and reviews to be considered for 
publication in the NLLP workshop proceedings. The deadline for submitting 
papers and reviews is 27 September 2024. The decision of publication will be 
announced by 8 October 2024. The submission should be done via the workshop 
submission website: ("EMNLP 2024 
Submission with reviews" submission type)

Double-Blind reviewing
The review process is double-blind. Submitted papers must not include author 
names and affiliations and they must be written in a way so that they do not 
break the double-blind reviewing process. If the preliminary version of a paper 
was posted in arXiv, the authors should NOT mention it as their own paper in 
the submission. Papers that violate the double-blind review requirements will 
be desk rejected.

Submission Style & Format Guidelines
Paper submissions must use the official ACL style templates, which are 
available here (Latex and Word). Please follow the paper formatting guidelines 
general to "*ACL" conferences available here.

Authors may not modify these style files or use templates designed for other 
conferences. Submissions that do not conform to the required styles, including 
paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be rejected without 

All long, short and theme papers must follow the ACL Author Guidelines.

Important deadlines
Submission deadline ― 3 September 2024
Submission of EMNLP papers with reviews and ARR committment ― 27 September 2024
Notification for direct submissions, ARR and EMNLP papers ― 8 October 2024
Camera ready due ― 15 October 2024 (tentative)
Workshop ― 15 or 16 November 2024
All deadlines are 11.59pm UTC -12h

Presentation format for each paper and schedule will be announced between 
acceptance notification and the camera-ready deadline.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the NLLP 2024 
workshop by the registration deadline in order for the submission to be 
published in the proceedings.
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