Welcome to the Tenth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC), to be held 
in Linköping, Sweden, 27–29 November 2024.


## Submissions

We invite submissions on all theoretical, practical, and applied aspects of 
language technology, including natural language processing, computational 
linguistics, speech technology, and neighbouring areas. Submissions can report 
on completed or ongoing research and practical applications of language 
technology and may be combined with system demonstrations.

The conference does not publish proceedings (“non-archival”), but authors can 
opt to make their accepted contributions available on the conference webpage. 
Hence, it is possible to submit abstracts related to work that has been or will 
be published elsewhere as long as this is compatible with the conditions of the 
respective publication channels.

## Important Dates

* Submission deadline: Wednesday, 4 September
* Notification of acceptance: Monday, 14 October
* Camera-ready version: Friday, 1 November
* Main conference: Wednesday–Thursday, 27–28 November
* Workshops: Friday, 29 November

## Submission formats

Submissions are extended abstracts using style files that we will make 
available on the conference webpage. They should include author names and 
affiliations (i.e., they should not be anonymous). Abstracts should be up to 
four pages, excluding references, and be submitted via OpenReview no later than 
Wednesday, 4 September. Please see the conference webpage for details. For more 
information about submissions, see https://sltc2024.github.io/cfp.

## Organisers

SLTC 2024 is organised by Linköping University. The organisation committee is 
chaired by

* Lars Ahrenberg
* Arne Jönsson
* Marco Kuhlmann
* Jenny Kunz

To inquire about all aspects of the conference, please email 

Corpora mailing list -- corpora@list.elra.info
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