All excellent suggestions. Thanks so much!!


On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Mark Montague <> wrote:

> On July 15, 2011 4:12 , "Bennett, Steve" <>
> wrote:
>> I solved the problem by intercepting the browser redirection between
>> authentication and validation. I altered the cosign configuration so
>> that the validation URL for a service was changed from something like:
>> to something like:
>> cosign/valid<>
>> The service at (itself a cosign webapp) looks at
>> the users identity and decides what messages to display, and eventually
>> forwards the browser on to the "real" webapp.
> I like this solution a lot -- it is easier to set up and less intrusive
> than the one I suggested.  The only advantage to involving factors (that I
> can think of) is that it puts control of whether or not to display a form or
> a message in the hands of the person administering the cosign-protected
> service:  the factor can be required (or not) on a per-service or even
> per-page basis; but hopefully most institutions would not need this sort of
> granular control, and so I think your solution is definitely the better one.
> --
>  Mark Montague

Nick Ragusa
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Brandeis University
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