You'll probably have better luck with the documentation at the following places:


The umich page assumes you're upgrading from an older version, and omits 
several important details.


On Jan 29, 2013, at 6:15 AM, Tomas Filip <> wrote:

> From: Tomas Filip <>
> Subject: Cosign java v3 problem
> Date: January 29, 2013 5:11:10 AM EST
> To:
> Hello,
> I have problem to secure my java web application with Cosign filter on
> Apache Tomcat and I want to ask you kindly for help.
> I followed tutorial from
> And I have few questions here ..
> First of all is to web.xml file and cosignConfig.xml file.
> I have both of these files in %TOMCAT_HOME%/conf folder (Also
> jaas.config and keystore.jks files). Is it ok?
> On Tomcat I need to secure web application placed at %TOMCAT_HOME
> %/webapps/myapplication.
> Should I define Cosign filter mappings in %TOMCAT_HOME%/conf/web.xml as
> <url-pattern>/myapplication/*</url-pattern>
> Or in %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/myapplication/WEB-INF/web.xml file?
> Or in cosignConfig.xml as <service
> name=""><protected>/myapplication/*</protected>
> (It's not so clear what protected element means)
> Also element "Location Handler: You may need to add this directory to
> your application in order for the web container to recognize the
> request." is unclear for me. Where exactly should be "/cosign/valid"
> folder? In %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/myapplication/cosign/valid or %
> TOMCAT_HOME%/ROOT/cosign/valid ?
> Value is set to <LocationHandlerRef>/cosign/valid</LocationHandlerRef>
> What does this value means? And what is purpose of this folder ?
> I have already achieved protecting simple helloRemoteUser.jsp (mapped as
> url filer mapping in web.xml), then cosign filter redirected me to login
> server and after successfully log in I am redirected to url defined in
> service in cosignConfig.xml file. Which is now defined as
> "http://hostname:8080/cosign/valid/"; and here I am desperate. What
> should be defined in service as success returned url and how to get
> request.getRemoteUser() working. Currently is method returning null if I
> assign this (/cosign/valid) url to servler which displays request
> informations.
> Possibly:
> Is there 
> Can this be caused by Java JAAS principals policy on windows? 
> Is necessarily to use MS IE browser? 
> Thanks very much for some help.
> Tomas Filip
> Environment informations:
> Included cosign libraries in myapplication lib directory and %
> TOMCAT_HOME%/lib directory.
> commons-collections-3.2.1.jar
> commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
> commons-pool-1.4.jar
> Apache Tomcat 6.0.32
> Jdk 1.5.0_15
> JavaCosign 3.0.0 RC0
> <web-uminch.xml><cosignConfig-uminch.xml><jaas.config>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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