Hello Peter,

In what era would these deaths and burials have occurred? The burial grounds of 
Old Leckpatrick, and Patrick Street, Strabane, and were closed in the 1920s

Len Swindley

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From: Peter Kincaid<mailto:jwk...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 28 February 2018 6:50 AM
To: Len Swindley<mailto:len_swind...@hotmail.com>
Cc: CoTyroneList@cotyroneireland.com<mailto:CoTyroneList@cotyroneireland.com>
Subject: Re: [CoTyroneMailingList] Leckpatrick Parish Graveyards, Co. Tyrone

Len Swindley, would you be so kind as to check the same graveyard sources you 
cite for Kincaids (Kincade, Kinkaid, Kinkead)?  There was a family of Kincaids 
I am sure is connected to mine in lands about Woodend (Ballee, Holyhill, 
Keenaghan/Silverhill & Tullyard).  John & Sarah Kincaid were of Ballee.  James 
and Thomas Kincaid were of Holyhill.  James may have started in Ballee - the 
latter married Margaret Caton and later Susan (Black) Nixon.  Thomas' daughter 
Lucinda married John Stevenson.  William Kincaid married Nancy McFarlane, 
apparently a daughter of Daniel McFarlane of Holyhill.  John Dickson of 
Keenaghan was married to Mary Kincaid.  John Kincaid was married to Elizabeth 
Lindsay, daughter of John Lindsay of Tullyard.  Looks like they attended the 
Presbyterian church at Artigarvan.  I have yet to find any burial information 
on any of these Kincaids so anything you have will greatly help piecing this 
family together.

Best wishes!


On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 8:52 AM, Len Swindley 
<len_swind...@hotmail.com<mailto:len_swind...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Hello Julie,

There are four graveyards within Leckpatrick parish, Strabane, Co. Tyrone; the 
graveyard attached to St. Patrick’s Parish Church (Church of Ireland) which is 
relatively modern, the graveyard attached to Leckpatrick Presbyterian Church, 
Artigarvan, also relatively modern, the RC graveyard belonging to St. Mary’s 
Chapel at Cloghcor and the ancient parish graveyard (Leckpatrick Old Burial 
Ground – now closed) on Victoria Road (corner Leckpatrick and Ballyheather 
Roads). This old place of rest contains many graves, but fewer headstones: the 
earliest recorded is dated 1617.

Referring to the Register of Gravestone Inscriptions in Leckpatrick Old Burial 
Ground, Artigarvan, Strabane – David & Sheelagh Todd (1991) there are no 
Nickle/ Nicholl headstones. So then went to a register compiled from a 
disintegrating map of the graveyard (1877) and again was unable to locate a 
burial place of the Nickles. There is a Henry Nichol recorded on the headstone 
of the Gordon family of Strabane referring to him as “a faithful friend”. In 
1989 the Strabane District Council erected a plaque in memory of the famed 
“Memory Man” Bobby Nicholl (1907-1985). Have also referred to a file of the 451 
legible headstone contained within the old Camus parish Graveyard in Patrick 
Street, Strabane, but again, there is nothing relevant to your forebears.

In the old days, folk had little money to spare for a headstone; however, all 
knew the location of the family burial place! My forebear, Joseph Arbuckle of 
Woodend died 1781 and is buried in Leckpatrick Old Burial Ground (with 
headstone). A relation accompanied me to the grave and mentioned that the two 
unmarked spaces on either side belonged to the (related) Houston family of 
Woodend although this is not recorded on the old map.

It is most likely that the Nickles of Woodend and elsewhere in the parish had a 
burial place in Old Leckpatrick, but it seems almost impossible to locate it. I 
guess you have found my file of Woodend rentals, tithe applotment book and 
Griffith Valuation (1858) on CTI? 

Hope this all helps?

Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

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