HiJim, great move! But who pays for the hiring of the programmer? Do you need any help? Gordon

On 20/03/2019 9:42 pm, Jim McKane via CoTyroneList wrote:
Hello Listers -

First, thanks so much for your continued support!
Without YOU there is no CTI!

Over the last several years as smartphone and tablet use has continued to grow, CTI receives about 50% of its usage from those users. Therefore, this means CTI MUST move to what is called a responsive design to handle all the various screen sizes. So, a few weeks ago, we hired a programmer to design software to enable converting the existing format.

Nereda & Gordon Wilkinson, Hyde Park, South Australia.
Web: www.ozemail.com.au/~neredon               Skype id: neredon
Emails: gordon.wilkin...@ozemail.com.au        nereda.wilkin...@ozemail.com.au

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