The new look is amazing! Useful, easy to use, and very attractive  Many thanks.
Dorothy in New Zealand

Sent from my iPad

> On 21/03/2019, at 12:12 AM, Jim McKane via CoTyroneList 
> <> wrote:
> Hello Listers - 
> First, thanks so much for your continued support!  
> Without YOU there is no CTI!
> Over the last several years as smartphone and tablet use has continued to 
> grow, CTI receives about 50% of its usage from those users. Therefore, this 
> means CTI MUST move to what is called a responsive design to handle all the 
> various screen sizes. So, a few weeks ago, we hired a programmer to design 
> software to enable converting the existing format.
> However, doing so is extremely labour intensive as each page must be opened 
> and converted one by one. Therefore, this task will take a long time as we 
> cannot allow the adding of new content nor the Every Name Index to suffer.
> This is an example of the new look - 
> If you have any questions or concerns, please always feel free to contact me,
> Best regards
> Jim McKane, webmaster
> South Bruce Peninsula, Ontario
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