Francis Galiegue wrote:
> Le mardi 19 juin 2007, Sam Varshavchik a écrit :
>> Francis Galiegue writes:
> [...]
>> Nothing, as far as the server is concerned.
> [...]
>> If you have a problem using your IMAP clients, that's where you should look.
>> What concrete evidence leads you to believe otherwise?
> If the fact that Dovecot+mbox and wu-imapd work outright, with no tinkering 
> on 
> the client side, even OutLook, whereas Courier IMAP doesn't, is no evidence, 
> then what is?
> I expected solutions or hints, not a "Courier IMAP is right and everything 
> else is wrong" kind of answer.
> Bah, I'll have tried.


I can guarantee you that an out-of-the-box installation of thunderbird
allows subfolder-creation on an out-of-the-box installation of
courier-imap, unless maybe you're using ancient versions of any. even
creation of nested subfolders to more levels than a halfway sane user
would ever need is no problem.

the only server-side problem I can imagine is folder ACLs that
courier-imap respects but not other imap servers, or if you modified the
IMAP_CAPABILITY setting in the imapd config.

however, as Sam points out, the fact that you _can_ create subfolders
with one mail client but not with others suggests this is a client-side
problem. fire up ethereal, look at the client-server conversation and
where they differ for different mail clients, and try to figure out due
to which client config setting this is.

good luck!
- DAve.

 The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got
it made.

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