Well - question related to this: does anyone use gamin with RHEL5/FC7 and homedirs on nfs? Does it work? We are mounting homedirs from NetApp NAS250 and i saw some strange behavior with gamin under load - don't quite remember detail now, but i think it was huge wait times. Didn't have time to troubleshoot - production server and all, but would love the come back to gamin at some point.
Oh - system is Cento5/ courier imap 4.1.3

I'm using two RHEL5 boxes, 1 for SMTP, 1 for IMAP/POP3/etc. The IMAP boxes has the maildirs and exports them to the SMTP server via NFS. So no, I haven't used Gamin over NFS (since the IMAP server has local access to the maildirs, only smtp services need to use NFS). You will definitely lose some benefit of Gamin over NFS as the NetApps have no method of notifying Gamin of filesystem changes. However, Gamin should be able to "poll" the maildirs over NFS to get updates which should still perform better than the IMAP clients polling the IMAP Server which in turn has to poll the NFS server.

According to the docs at http://www.gnome.org/~veillard/gamin/config.html you should be able to force Gamin to consider a given directory as a NFS filesystem and only poll ever X seconds. You should probably play with these settings.


Jay Lee
Network/Systems Administrator
Information Technology Department
Philadelphia Biblical University

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