Is there a particular advantage to doing it this way rather than just using maildrop and something like SpamAssassin?

Roland Schneider wrote:
--Mark Janssen wrote on 05.03.03 23:56 +0100:

It takes about two lines of code to record the contents of
$BLOCK2 in a X-Spam-header for later filtering.

How would I do this... do you have a code snippet as an example

You still can assign 'non-false-positives-lists' like SBL,
UPL, SORBS and alike to $BLOCK and reject them right away.

I have setup some of the DNS based filters to set the $BLOCK2 variable. I'm assuming I'll have to get maildrop to check this and then file the mail away in a spambox, but AFAIK maildrop can't access the BLOCK or BLOCK2 variables (running in delivery mode)

Inserting a header is the only way to communicate with the
delivery-module. I am also planning a patch there so maildrop
wont be needed anymore for quarantine to the Spamfolder.

At courier/submit.C, linenumbers are probably somewhat off due
to other stuff, but copy&paste should work.
One probably should sanitize the contents, non-ascii could mess
up everything.

char *safe = rfc2047_encode_str(header, RFC2045CHARSET);

which works as epected, or maybe even script-alike:

header += rfc2047_encode_str(p, RFC2045CHARSET);

but I dont include that here until tested, and dont really
know what would happen with embedded \n.
Improved and tested patch welcome ;)

@@ -933,26 +958,112 @@ const char *p;

+// PATCH: record some headers if received via esmtp
+       if(!strncmp(mf->module->name, "esmtp", 5))
+       {
+               // PATCH: record contents of SPAM or BLOCK2 in topmost header
+               // may be set either from esmtpdaccess, dnsbl or per-user filter-api
+               // plan: messages with 'X-Spam:' should be delivered into spamfolder
+               if((p=getenv("BLOCK2")) && *p)
+               {
+                       header = "X-Spam: "; header += p;
+                       header.TrimRight(); header += "\n";     // fix up
+                       my_rcptinfo.submitfile.Message(header);
+               }

line="Received: from ";

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