On Tue, 27 May 2003, James A Baker wrote:

> > 1.  There's a SquirrelMail patch which supports the ACAP protocol, and
> >     I'm keen to see ACAP more widely used.  For details on ACAP, see:
> >     http://dave.cridland.net/acap/
> >     http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/acap-charter.html
> >
> Is there a decent, and hopefully easy to work with, ACAP implementation 
> out there anywhere? I tried one some time ago, but it was a pain to get 
> working, and I gave up.

        Probably not.  Here's what I know about ACAP servers:
1.      CMU has two, one in C or C++ or something, and one in SML.  
        Neither is maintained.  
2.      Qualcomm (Eudora) are reported to be working on one
3.      Infotrope (cf. Dave Cridland's site, above) is the only maintained 
        ACAP server.  However, it's still in beta (maybe alpha?), so isn't 
        quite up to it yet.  But I want to be ready for it when it's ready 

        Here's what I know about ACAP clients:
-       Cyrusoft Mulberry is supposed to be very good, but commercial
-       The IMAP connection lists Eudora for the Mac as supporting it
-       SquirrelMail has a patch that works with it (thanks to Dave 
        Cridland again :) ).  
-       It would be pretty easy to add to Mozilla.  I hope to do this 
        someday, if no-one else gets in first :).  

> > 2.  I prefer to keep the web server and the mail server separate
> >
> >     :)
> >
> Do you mean 'keep the _webmail_ server and the mail server separate'? 

        Yes.  But my understanding was that webmail generally requires web 
server software (such as Apache), and that's what I'm trying to avoid 
putting on the mail server :).  

> Or are you under the impression that sqwebmail runs its own http 
> service? Just curious because of your phrasing.

        No :).  

Tim Nelson
Systems Administrator
Sunet Internet
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