Bernard Robbins writes:

Is there any way to reject an email if it contains any attachment with an extension of:

Having courier drop these attachments will eliminate having to use

I use the following perlfilter module to drop all virusware by its signature, instead of an explicit file extension.

Attachment: pgpqcLlLJ4PxI.pgp
Description: PGP signature

# $Id: perlfilter,v 1.8 2004/07/26 22:29:47 mrsam Exp $
# Copyright 2000 Double Precision, Inc.  See COPYING for
# distribution information.
# This is an example Perl filter.  Install this filter by initializing
# filters/perlfilter control file to contain the pathname to this file.
# See courierfilter(8) for more information.
# This example Perl filter blocks messages with a long Date: header.
# *** DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE VERBATIM ***  When upgrading Courier this
# file will be overwritten.  Make a copy of this file, and point
# filters/perlfilter to your modified copy.

use IO::File;

# The number of the filedescriptor that's connected to the socket is
# passed to us on STDIN.

my $filedesc=shift @ARGV;

my $socket=new IO::File "+<&$filedesc";

die "$!" unless defined $socket;

my $line;
my $first=1;
my $errmsg="200 Ok";

# Read lines from the socket.  Each line contains a filename.  An empty line
# terminates the list.  The first line is the filename of the datafile
# containing the message text.  The subsequent lines are filename(s) of
# control files.

while (defined ($line=<$socket>))
my $msg;

        chomp $line;
        last unless $line;

        if ($first)
        $errmsg=$msg if $msg;

$errmsg .= "\n" unless $errmsg =~ /\n$/;
print $socket $errmsg;


sub filterdata
my $filename=shift;

#  Here's where the custom content filter is implemented.  Use filehandles
#  so that cleanup's automatic.

my $fh=new IO::File "< $filename";

        return "" unless defined $fh;

my $line;

        while ( defined ($line=<$fh>))
                chomp $line;
                last if $line eq "";    # End of headers

                return "500 Fscked up virus scanner blacklisted."
                        if $line =~ /^X-Tnz-Problem-Type:/i;

        my $virus=0;

        while ( defined ($line=<$fh>))
                chomp $line;

                if ($line =~ /^Content-Type:[^;]*;\s*$/)
                    $line .= <$fh>;
                    chomp $line;

                return "500 Microsoft virus refused."
                    if $line =~ 

                return "500 Microsoft virus refused."
                    if $line =~ 

                return "500 Microsoft virus refused."
                    if $line =~ 

                return "500 Zip attachments refused - potential virus, use gzip 
                    if $line =~ /^Content-Type: application\/x-zip-compressed/;

                $virus |= 1
                    if $line =~ 

                $virus |= 2
                    if $line =~ /^Content-Type: image\/jpeg/;

        return "500 Microsoft virus refused."
            if $virus == 3;

        return "500 Zip attachments refused - potential virus, use gzip instead."
            if $virus == 1;

        return "";

sub filtercontrol
my $filename=shift;

return "";

Attachment: pgpmPMe16BYhu.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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