Problem solved ...
Due to case insensitiveness of Windows .Courier subfolder was mistaken 
as .courier delivery instructions file (hence the "Is a directory" 
message at logs)
Once I changed the name from .Courier to .Courier_Users everything works 
fine ...
I should have known better ... or simply avoided Windows ... ;)
Thank you very much Tim, Gordon and Sam for your response and hints.

 > On 12/9/2012 12:07 πμ, Gordon Messmer wrote:> On 09/11/2012 07:07 AM, 
Tim Lyth wrote:
 >> Could it be that .Courier is a directory, and `deliver` or its spawn are
 >> doing a case insensitive search of the Maildir to find delivery
 >> instructions, and are finding .Courier instead?  If the host is a
 >> Windows Box, they are traditionally case insensitive so .Courier,
 >> .cOurIer, .COURIER and .courier are all considered the same?
 > With a Windows NFS server, that sounds awfully likely.
 > Constantine, you might want to review this article:

 > On 11/9/2012 5:07 μμ, Tim Lyth wrote:
> On 11/09/2012 8:25 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>> Constantine Kousouris writes:
>>>> What's different for you, then? Do you have a custom maildrop recipe?
>>>> Let's see it.
>>> My maildir contains the following
>>> # ls -al
>>> <snip>
>>> drwx------ 2 1009 uucp    8192 Sep 10 17:48 .Courier
>>> <snip>
>>> The only difference of my mailbox with a coleague's mailbox is that I
>>> have some .courier-xxxx files.
>> .courier files belong in an account's home directory. Not its maildir.
>> You have configured your system so that the account's home directory
>> and maildir are conflated together. That, undoubtedly, is causing
>> problems somehow.
> Sam and Constantine,
> Could it be that .Courier is a directory, and `deliver` or its spawn are
> doing a case insensitive search of the Maildir to find delivery
> instructions, and are finding .Courier instead?  If the host is a
> Windows Box, they are traditionally case insensitive so .Courier,
> .cOurIer, .COURIER and .courier are all considered the same?
> I have never played with .courier files in anyway, so I may be totally
> way off the mark with this.
> But having dealt with transferring files between Windows and Linux
> systems, I am WELL aware of Windows being case insensitive for just
> about everything except passwords.
> HTH,
> Cheers,
> Tim Lyth

 > On 11/9/2012 12:55 πμ, Sam Varshavchik wrote:> Constantine Kousouris 
 >> This happens ONLY for me, all the other users (and they are a lot ...)
 >> do not have this problem ...
 > What's different for you, then? Do you have a custom maildrop recipe?
 > Let's see it.
 >> What exactly "deliver: Is a directory" mean ...???
 > "deliver" handles mail delivery. If it starts a child process that
 > complains about something on standard error, it gets logged, and deliver
 > gets blamed for it.
 >> It is supposed to be a directory after all, since it is a maildir ...
 > It means that something is a directory, when it shouldn't be:
 > [mrsam@octopus ~]$ mkdir ttt
 > [mrsam@octopus ~]$ >ttt
 > -bash: ttt: Is a directory
 >> In addition messages are delivered alright in maildir subfolders using
 >> dot-courier (.courier-zzzzz) ...!!!
 > Ok, then let's look at your .courier files, too.
 >> I assumed that there is something peculiar in my maildir that confuses
 >> mail delivery, so i created a brand new maildir. At first it worked fine
 >> and messages were deliverd for a while but soon the problem appeared
 >> again.
 > That suggests a mail delivery script with a race condition that
 > occasionally gets triggered.
 >> When I switch to the old Netapp system everything works fine ...
 >> Any ideas ...???
 > It could be that your old mail system was not triggering a race
 > condition. Entirely plausible.

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