Mark Constable writes:

Self built courier-mta

Is it possible somehow to get maildir, quota and/or options info when using
authpwd or authshadow?

The problem is that there are no fields for any of that, in your /etc/passwd.

Also, Thunderbird fails to pick up a message in the right mailbox with the
right user perms and the above auth check seems to pass with no other errors
indicating why it's failing. Any clues?

~ authtest u1005
Authentication succeeded.

      Authenticated: u1005  (system username: u1005)
     Home Directory: /home/ns/markconstable.lan
            Maildir: (none)
              Quota: (none)
Encrypted Password: $6$i4TSQEkg$b8oJvCYoZ0pi/lukamdcgPc4K3yjcbhml1aBNEKnjLJIKX4dZDTp63aWNdP66yj1RcJbN4Us$fuao67OaZusz0
Cleartext Password: (none)
            Options: (none)

What should happn with this one, is the maildir should be /home/ns/markconstable.lan/Maildir, and owned by the system userid/groupid. Also, check that the sticky bit is not set on the home directory or the maildir.

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