Hi Sam,

Oh, clever. I wouldn’t have guessed at that, ever.

Here’s the running command after trying that:

/usr/lib/courier/sbin/couriertcpd -stderrlogger=/usr/sbin/courierlogger 
-stderrloggername=esmtpd-ssl -maxprocs=80 -maxperip=10 -maxperc=10 
-stderrlogger=/usr/sbin/courierlogger -noidentlookup -nodnslookup -user=daemon 
-group=daemon -block=zen.spamhaus.org,BLOCK -block=psbl.surriel.com,BLOCK 
-block=cbl.abuseat.org,BLOCK -access=/etc/courier/smtpaccess.dat -address=<real 
ip here> 465,443 /usr/bin/env TCPREMOTEIP= TCPREMOTEHOST=localhost 
/usr/lib/courier/bin/couriertls -server -tcpd 

The header, however, is still showing the real IP of the sending user, instead 
of taking on the new env ones. Is couriertls re-setting it? (To be clear, 
authed users connect over esmtpd-ssl — so I set SSLPORT with your suggestion.)




On Sep 24, 2014, at 6:33 PM, Sam Varshavchik <mr...@courier-mta.com> wrote:

> Jeff Potter writes:
>> Hi List,
>> How do we remove the initial Received header in outgoing email from our 
>> servers, or at least mask out the IP address of our sending user?
>> We have an instance of smtpd running specifically for authenticated users 
>> (AUTH_REQUIRED=1). I looked through mailing lists; no luck; and I tried 
>> TCPDOPTS="-nodnslookup -noidentlookup”, but also no luck.
> There is no built-in switch to turn this off, but looking around the config 
> files, there might be a way to hack the startup scripts.
> In the esmtpd configuration file, replace
> PORT="25"
> with something like this
> PORT="25 /usr/bin/env TCPREMOTEIP= TCPREMOTEHOST=localhost"
> This might work in your specific situation only – a dedicated outbound-only 
> server that requires authentication.
> $PORT is passed to couriertcpd, right before the path to the courieresmtpd 
> executable. This should make the startup script execute env, which will clear 
> out the environment variables before invoking courieresmtpd.
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