Michelle Konzack writes:

Your message to the following recipients cannot be delivered:

     biscmail.cv.net []:
<<< 500 couriertls: connect: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure

     biscmail.cv.net []:
<<< 500 couriertls: connect: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure


If your message was also sent to additional recipients, their delivery
status is not included in this report.  You may or may not receive
other delivery status notifications for additional recipients.

The original message follows as a separate attachment.

I have never gotten such error message.

with the exception of TLS1 things which I have removed last year already
and for my understanding is, that SSLv3 was negotiated  with  <biscmail>
and failed.  If I can not contact them by EMail I have to do an expensiv
long distance call.

The actual text of the error message comes from OpenSSL, and it is very misleading. Ignore the "sslv3" part of it. OpenSSL uses internal routines named "sslv3" that will autonegotiate the protocol level with the peer.

As I recall, you are using a relative older version of Courier. Since then, the OpenSSL API have been updated, and the default settings in the current version of Courier's configuration files will be sufficient to negotiate any protocol that's common to both the client and the server.

Also, the current version of Courier should handle TLS negotiation failures automatically. The unsent message will not initially bounce, and the next connection attempt will not attempt to negotiate TLS with the remote server.

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Description: PGP signature

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