Here are a couple things:

About 10% of our committed monthly users (which works out to 2) came via
press articles in the local business weekly and the big local paper. The
rest came from word of mouth, pre-existing friends, and friends of friends.
Our holiday party filled half our current seats.

Ink has given us a lot of traffic that doesn¹t convert. Each time we end up
in print, we find ourselves giving a lot of tours. These have resulted in a
butt-in-the-seat less than 5% of the time. When someone walks in our doors
via a word of mouth referral, we¹re able to get them to commit greater than
50% of the time.

Where it gets murky is that some of our word-of-mouth referrals came from
people that both knew us and were reminded of us by the newspaper/magazine

Derek Young

On 8/19/08 9:40 AM, "Tara Hunt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey,
> Has anyone tracked how getting ink/television appearances/etc. has helped
> them? 
> I still find that almost all of our inquiries that turn out to become regulars
> or desk owners are word of mouth. We haven't had a single committer via the
> press. Of course, there are loads of inquiries that I get at Citizen Space for
> partnerships, pitches and general interest in the idea of coworking from the
> press articles...
> Tara

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