Looks interesting. I'll buy it when the money is available.

On Feb 20, 4:38 pm, Tony Bacigalupo <tonybacigal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey everybody!
> As many of you know, I've been working with Todd Sundsted and Drew Jones on
> a book that centers on the coworking concept.
> I'm happy to say that, after over a year of researching, writing, rewriting,
> editing, laying out, and editing some more, we're ready to share the book
> with you all!
> The book is called *I'm Outta Here: How coworking is making the office
> obsolete*, and you can get it here:http://imouttaherethebook.com
> It's meant to be a relatively simple introduction to the coworking concept
> and an exploration into its significance in the overall workplace. Each page
> is a short vignette that describes one aspect, whether a coworking space, or
> an individual, or a short story.
> In addition to the actual book, we've created pages on our site that
> correspond to each page in the book, where you will be able to find more
> information and references corresponding to each piece. We also want to use
> each of these pages so get readers' feedback and comments, so the site can
> act as a bridge between the book and the rest of the great stuff that's
> happening online.
> While we cover a lot of spaces and people, there's so much more out there
> that we'd love to include in the future, so we're hoping that with your
> feedback, we can release an updated version of the book at some point in the
> future.
> Researching for the book has been an incredibly eye-opening experience, and
> I have to say that the more I learn about this wonderful movement, the more
> I believe that coworking is an important part of a fundamental shift that's
> taking place in the way we think about the way we work and live, and this
> change is all for the better.
> I count myself lucky that Drew and Todd asked me to join them on this
> journey, and I'm excited to be sharing our work with you now.
> Much more as we go!
> Cheers,
> Tony
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