Didn't mean that to go to the list, but fortunately didn't include  
anything confidential.  Sorry for bothering everyone.


On Oct 3, 2009, at 11:04 PM, Mike Schinkel wrote:

> Hi Jerome,
> Long time, no talk.  I hope BLANKSPACES is going well.
> Since June it's been a whirlwind for me here in Atlanta as I found a  
> partner to launch a coworking space and he was ready to go asap.  He  
> was someone I've know for almost 3 years and also someone whose  
> company I've personally been a customer of his for 5 years.  His  
> company is www.asmallorange.com and it's a web hosting business.
> Given our prior conversations I felt I should contact you and let  
> you know the direction I took. I've been meaning to contact you  
> sooner but each day has slipped by and it was never as urgent as the  
> urgent things I had to do for each day.  This weekend I'm finally  
> getting to some of those less urgent items.
> So we opened at Ignition Alley (www.ignitionalley.com) around  
> September 1st and last week we started signing up members. Our model  
> turns out to be very different from yours. It seems your approach  
> based on your website title keywords is to target people wanting to  
> lease office space; we are catering to tech startup entrepreneurs  
> and freelancers and we've set our rates much lower than yours; we  
> are 1/5th to 1/10th as expensive as your rates. All our plans are  
> one price for the month, we don't have long term agreements, and  
> we're open 24/7. We picked a very inexpensive building and spent as  
> little as we could to build it out. We are more than anything trying  
> to help lots of startups grow successful here in Atlanta.
> In less than 10 days we've signed almost 30 members and have another  
> 15 requested member agreements out for signature so we are pretty  
> happy with our progress.  We'll be breaking even with me having a  
> salary if we can hit 100 members which I think we'll make within 30  
> days.
> Anyway, the main reason I moved forward but didn't at least contact  
> you to joint venture was because my partner wanted to move fast and  
> had the financial resources to do so. I was so happy to find someone  
> who would finally bankroll this thing I've tried to make happen for  
> two years that I didn't want to rock the boat. Not sure if there  
> will ever be any way we can work together moving forward but I sure  
> would like to keep the door open for doing so if an opportunity  
> arises.
> If you are ever in Atlanta I'd love to show you the place if for no  
> other reason than to put a face to a voice.
> -Mike Schinkel
> Web Marketing Strategist and Atlanta Startup Catalyst
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeschinkel
> http://twitter.com/mikeschinkel
> http://mikeschinkel.com
> P.S.  I started a page of coworking locations around the world on  
> our website and included yours:
> http://www.ignitionalley.com/coworking-locations
> You'll note that I've done it in such a way that the links help SEO  
> for each space with the keywords "{city} Coworking" where "{city}"  
> is their city.  So that means I've linked to your site to help you  
> with the keywords "Los Angeles Coworking."
> I'm hoping that each site we link to will reciprocate somewhere on  
> their site by linking back to our site at www.ignitionalley.com with  
> one of the following:
> -- Atlanta Coworking
> -- Coworking Atlanta
> -- Atlanta's Coworking Space
> -- Coworking in Atlanta
> -- Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
> -- Atlanta's Coworking: Ignition Alley 
> Let me know if you end up doing that, and thanks much in advance.
> >

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