Continuing Jason's thought, if someone could post any type of numeric
info, it would really help me out too! You can always send it to me
privately as well! Thanks again everyone! I love how you are so
helpful! :)

And Susan, I actually read all about Office Nomads in Entrepreneur!
You guys have an awesome space (saw the video online). If you can
elaborate a bit more I would appreciate it! What do you mean by what
goes on within the space? Events? Does your space make a profit based
on events? If you don't mind giving me more specifics, I would
reallyyyyy appreciate it! Thanks again everyone! :)

On Nov 3, 11:46 am, Jason Schaefer <> wrote:
> I am considering the idea of opening a co-working space and enjoy all  
> the information provided. I keep hearing there's no room for profit or  
> that the profit is pretty small. Can some one elaborate on this  
> subject or provide numeric examples either publicly on this thread or  
> privately to my email. I find the financing details to be extremely  
> important even when the situation could be a breakeven.
> Regards,
> Jason Schaefer
> On Nov 3, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Susan Evans <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Great thread.  I haven't been able to get to answering all the
> > questions specifically, but Cameron I'd weigh in with a big yes to
> > that last question of yours - we can make a profit, but just not a big
> > one.  The space itself is never going to be a big money maker, but
> > what happens within the space is where profits for members and owners
> > alike can really get going.  I like to think of the idea of profits
> > from Office Nomads going in part to creating a rainy-day fund for the
> > space itself (ensuring to give back to the space in ways that we'd
> > like to see in the future), and anything left over passed to staff.
> > Great questions, and great responses all - Cameron if you're looking
> > for more folks to reply fully to your list of questions please let me
> > know - I'm happy to send more details over!
> > Susan
> > Office Nomads
> > On Nov 2, 11:21 am, Cameron <> wrote:
> >> Thanks a lot everyone. The general notion I'm getting seems to be  
> >> that
> >> you CAN make a profit, but not too much... right?
> >> So the profit is capped (especially since there are only a certain
> >> number of desks/chairs available)? Not necessarily a business to  
> >> start
> >> if you are only looking at the bottom line, since that goes against
> >> the whole idea of coworking.
> >> Again, thanks for the detailed info :)
> >> On Nov 2, 1:01 am, Natha <> wrote:
> >>> Do you break even? If you go beyond break even, is it by much?
> >>> Yes we do, almost daily
> >>> Is there anyone who is experiencing growth even with the recession?
> >>> Yes, we have a strong growth of coworkers from september.
> >>> What are your membership plans?
> >>> - 250€ per month
> >>> - 10€ per day
> >>> - 7€ per half-day
> >>> - a free space
> >>>
> >>> Does being profitable have to do with charging for extra services?
> >>> No, we doesn't charge for "extra" services But we make € from ev
> >>> ents
> >>> and meeting rooms renting.
> >>> Most of all, is this a business that one should approach with a mind
> >>> frame of making money or with one of
> >>> community, or both?
> >>> For this part i totally agree with Alex's answer (sorry if i don't
> >>> developp my thought but my english to poor to answer clearly)
> >>> Natha
> >>> On Oct 28, 8:31 pm, Cameron <> wrote:
> >>>> Hi all!
> >>>> First off, this is a fabulous group, and I love the coworking idea!
> >>>> I'm an MBA student and I need to choose a topic to write a
> >>>> profitability/feasibility analysis on for a class, and am  
> >>>> interested
> >>>> in writing about this concept, but wondering about the  
> >>>> profitability.
> >>>> I've researched a lot, and it seems like people have different
> >>>> answers... a lot say its not profitable since its the community  
> >>>> aspect
> >>>> that's appealing, while others say it can be profitable if you do  
> >>>> it
> >>>> right (what IS considered right is the question?).
> >>>> I don't want to start a repetitive post, but I would love to hear  
> >>>> from
> >>>> those of you who have experience with running/owning a coworking  
> >>>> spot.
> >>>> Do you break even? If you go beyond break even, is it by much? Is
> >>>> there anyone who is experiencing growth even with the recession?  
> >>>> What
> >>>> are your membership plans? Does being profitable have to do with
> >>>> charging for extra services? Most of all, is this a business that  
> >>>> one
> >>>> should approach with a mind frame of making money or with one of
> >>>> community, or both?
> >>>> Don't worry about answering EVERY question... I'm just trying to  
> >>>> be as
> >>>> through as I can be in my research! I would be happy to post my
> >>>> findings once it's all done! :)
> >>>> Any help would be awesome!
> >>>> Thanks in advance!
> >>>> Cam :)
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