I've been lurking on the list for a while, and have been following all the "entity" threads with fascination. I think the combination of initiative and questioning is great; I wish the other place I'm dealing with similar issues had a balance more like this.

A little bit ago, Tara said:

Reminder that 501c3 or whatever non-profit status ironically costs about $20k after filing and legal fees...

I'm a bit skeptical about this. I happen to be working on forming a US non-profit for something totally unrelated, and this is dramatically higher than anything I've seen. Estimates for having a full-service legal shop do everything from drafting by-laws through 501c3 certification (which isn't the same as simply forming the non-profit) seem to be around $5,000. The exact fees vary state by state, but all the actual government fees combined should still be well under $1,000, at least until your gross receipts exceed $10,000 (and then they go up only a few hundred, at least until the fee structure changes (for the better) some time later this year).

Could that $20k include administrative staff or ongoing costs? There's also an obvious trade-off between time and money here: you can pay money to have someone with experience do things much faster.

Anthony Sorace
Strand 1

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