> Exactly why do people want to set up a charitable organization? What would
> it get us?

Charitable organisations mean something different in some countries. In
Canada, a charity is only one type of non-profit organisation, and is one
that is more a stringent structure because it can issue tax receipts for
donations. A corporation can still be a non-profit (one that operates for
self-benefit and that redistributes surplus towards its goals) without being
a charity.

I admit that I've  been skimming some e-mails in the last few days. Did
someone recommend an actual charity? Or do you mean to ask why people are
interested in forming a non-profit?

I am in favour of forming some sort of organisation, traditional like a
non-profit (but not a charity, I don't think we need charitable status) or
co-operative, as a way of formalising all of us as a cohesive industry, as
long as it is still a legal entity in some form.

The domain purchase is only one issue. There has been talk of a conference
(which I still dig), leveraging our collective buying power, etc. These are
all things that one cohesive body could do, and since there has been/could
be money involved, it would keep it all legal and with checks and balances.
Alex is the most awesome person to manage the domain issue, but I do worry
if managing the funds could have any sort of negative taxation impact on
him, which of course none of us would want. Forming a separate legal entity
could solve/avoid just such an issue.

> The buying of the domain was the first time that money has come into the
> equation and that was an anomaly IMO.

So then, what if something else comes up that involves money? How many times
will there be an exception?  Who knows if there will be a next time, but
there also wasn't a first time until the domain issue came up, so it is

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