
I've started a convention on the wiki for posting ongoing projects.  The
only two examples so far, The CoworkingDB<http://wiki.coworking.com/CoworkingDB>
 and The Nadine Project <http://wiki.coworking.com/NadineProject>, are the
two main projects that I'm running but of course I did this as an example of
how the wiki can be used for collaboration.  I'm using the wiki as the home
base for these projects and handling communication through google groups.
 These projects are just getting off the ground but will grow over time and
continuously evolve.  This makes a wiki the perfect tool for describing and
documenting the project and the progress.

I'll send out individual project announcements as they develop.  It's a
tricky thing getting a project off the ground and I've been busy getting the
Office Nomads Grow <http://officenomads.com/grow> project together and out
the door.  With that accomplished and the Coworking
Europe<http://coworkingeu.wordpress.com/>conference quick on it's
heals, I'll be working to get these two projects up
to snuff and shouted on high.  Keep your ears peeled.  :)


Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation
http://www.officenomads.com -  (206) 323-6500

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