I am just joing this Co-working group as a provider of co-working
space.  The trend hasnt really hit miami all that much so we are happy
to have brought it to the ever changing Downtown area. Currently Miami
Downtown is undergoing some massive trasnformation projects , in hopes
that it will become more of a community than the dreary 9-5 only place
its come to be. I will mention that we've had some success, due to the
obvious lack of community Miami had.  We have some pretty creative
minds already in our offices, mainly a lot of start-ups and online
companies. We love what they have brought to our office,so far its
been a great experience and we really just look forward to expanding
and spreading the word and concept, as we see the future of workspace
being geared more towards independant work from home. We love the idea
of being a personable, human social network rather than  drones
sitting socially deprived in a constricting workspace. Basically  Im
happy to be a part of this unique community, and cant wait to get
trade and share ideas!

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