Basterrak, you asked about MLM workers in a co-working space.

Not trying to step on anyone's toes here, especially since I'm a newbie to
the scene, and have been lurking for a little bit.

I used to work for a scam artist.  Literal scam artist.  If you ever get
involved in something and it feels like a scam, talk to me.

Anyway, MLM, or as it's known now, "Network Marketing" is extremely
difficult to co-exist with.  Remember, whatever they are selling is a
sideline.  The real money is in your downline, or how many members you
recruit to be "under" you.

So they are ALWAYS hunting for new people.  Always.  Did I mention always?

As nice as they can be, they can also be a real pain to be around.  "No, I
don't want any damn vitamins!"  :)

Also, they have to look bigger than they actually are, to impress potential
downline.  So if you offer mailstop services, and virtual office, expect
them to take FULL advantage of it.  "Yes, this is my office"  "See how
important I am."

I mean, to an extent, that's fine.  But it can get old fast.  So be careful.
 If you let them in, I would go over the rules carefully, and make them sign

Any of them that are higher up's in the company, will always be shopping
around for new companies to be a part of.  Once that happens, they will be
skipping that office, to join their new company in their new office.  The
real money is in the downlines, and the faster you are in a company, the
longer your downline is.  So they are always looking to be first in.  Of
course, when they get shut down, they're first out.  Long story short,
expect them not to pay their last invoice/membership fee.  "Oh, I'm not with
them anymore.  Sorry."  <so-sorry face>

Again, not trying to alienate anyone, just sharing some experiences I've

Joshua Marpet

Looking to do a co-working space in Philly

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