This isn't a closed group. It has over 3000 international participants
(including friends in, ahem, France). It is indexed by google and other
sites and read by international press outlets.

It's open, but it's also meant to be a safe, trusting place.

I understand the difference between humor behind closed doors, and poor
public decorum.

This community succeeds by leading by example. That's the only reason my
"reaction" is as raw as it is.

Making fun of the smelly kid is a behavior I figured had been left on the
gradeschool playground.

This public group is also not censored - that's not my intention. I just
felt it appropriate to express my disappointment.


On Monday, August 1, 2011, Rob Hudson <> wrote:
> I think you mistake a visceral closed-group reaction for insensitivity.
Sometimes humor - even crude humor - in relative privacy can cut tension.
Anyone who works in retail can vouch for that.
> As someone who has had to talk to the smelly guy in the past, I can say
that it's pretty uncomfortable. The worst part is trying to downplay that
others have complained so that you don't cause Mr. Stink to leave out of
embarrassment. And there are legit physical conditions that defy treatment,
as there are also people who slide right off a saturated mattress into
yesterdays moist shorts onto the fetid four-door and into your coworking
> On 8/1/2011 3:50 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:
> While I'm all for lightheartedness, this thread's been disappointingly
insensitive, both in terms of human and cultural commentary. I'm far from
"politically correct", but some comments have been surprisingly
> I expect more from this group.
> Moving on:
> I'm in the camp of - step up and have the hard conversation with the
person if members won't, and treat the person like a human being.
> You don't know the cause of the issue until you ask. This is no exception.
> -Alex
> /ah
> coworking in philadelphia
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Gonzalez, Felipe <> wrote:
> We got the same problem here in Chile, i think its a little too should better talk out a solution, maybe a standar policy
> Good Luck !
> Felipe
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Rob Hudson <> wrote:
> Someone's got to be brave enough to pull him aside and talk to him.
Because other people will simply go somewhere else where they don't have to
confront a stinker or tolerate the foul work environment.
> This is where "staying in business" collides with "being completely
accommodating to everyone's hygiene choices."
> On 8/1/2011 3:08 PM, Tm Mahdi wrote:
> such a great topic.
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