Thank you, Steve! Really great stuff.


On Wednesday, September 5, 2012 9:04:39 PM UTC+2, Steve King wrote:
> We just released the 2012 MBO Partners State of 
> Independenc<>e
> report.  This study profiles US independent workers (freelancers, temps, 
> etc.).  Our firm, Emergent Research, worked with MBO Partners on this study.
> Key findings that I think will be of interest to this group include:
>    - We estimate there are 16.9 million independent workers in the US
>    - About 40% of these folks list home as their primary workplace
>    - 1.7% of the respondents said they had or were working in a coworking 
>    space. 
>    - The median income for independent workers is $51,000
>    - 2.2 million independent workers earn more than $100,000 
>    - About 50% of the $100k+ club list home as their primary place of work
> A couple of comments.  For the purposes of this study one of the criteria 
> for being included as an independent worker was working at least 15 hours 
> per week.  In other words, we don't include most part-time independents. 
>  If we included all the part-timers, the number of US independent workers 
> would be in the 34 million range.  
> As I mentioned on this group a couple of months ago, this was the first 
> time we've seen coworking blip on a statistically representative, national 
> survey.  The 1.7% overstates the number of folks who work at coworking 
> facilities, which is a common survey outcome for a hot topic like 
> coworking.  But we do think this is an excellent sign and shows that 
> awareness of coworking by independent workers is growing.  
> The number of independents working from home is consistent with our 2011 
> survey and consistent with other surveys.  
> Please see the report for more details - there's a lot in there.  Also, 
> please let me know if you have any questions.
> Steve

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