hello everyone,

I'm part of a small coworking space called Tau. As most of coworkers
we started the adventure because we wanted to work in better
conditions and improve our life style.

Improving life style also includes having a regular physical activity,
and I recently started running to improve mine. Talking with people at
Tau I found out almost everyone tried to keep some form of physical
activity, but some of us did so because of health problems.

Out of curiosity and to prepare a talk I want to do in the future I'm
wondering how many of us are in similar cases and how much the
population is aware of the need for a physical activity and actually
doing some. So I've edited a small form
to get a quick (general) look at how we are doing. I would greatly
appreciate if you could spare 2 minutes (4 checkboxes questions) to
answer it.

In a more "coworking space" related topic, but still about physical activity :

Recently some technical events started to schedule a physical event
(5 kilometers run, ...) around their main event. I'm wondering if any
coworking space has already done something similar on a regular basis
? Any ideas or projects or experiences ?

have a great day/night !

Thomas Riboulet
+33 (0) 698 926 057

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