Steve - very insightful comment. I knew on a gut level that coworking was 
getting past the early adopter stage, but your comment helps make that much 
clearer. However, I'd like to point out that the article is very  much 
centered on New York City - I imagine that most places are a few years 
behind that cosmopolitan giant. On the other hand, that's HUGE for 
entrepreneurs like us.

On Tuesday, March 12, 2013 10:40:25 AM UTC-5, Steve King wrote:
> This is another sign coworking is growing up.  
> Very early adopters tend to be very forgiving customers who don't complain 
> much. They're just happy to have access to the new product or service. 
> Because the product/service is new and customers are so happy, press at 
> this industry stage tends to be uniformly positive.  
> But as the market expands beyond this pioneering group to a broader 
> market, expectations are higher and customer satisfaction is harder to 
> achieve. And if they aren't satisfied, they are more likely to complain.  
> The press at this stage, while still positive overall, tends to get 
> mixed.  This is driven in part by customer complaints, but also by 
> reporters/editors looking for new angles to write about.  
> Although still a nascent industry, coworking has moved past the pioneer 
> stage and is starting to reach a broader market.  With this growth comes 
> higher customer expectations and requirements.  This is good, but it also 
> means the industry, on average, will have to raise its game to keep 
> growing.  
> It also means we should expect more negatively tilted articles.  
> Having said all that, I found one part of the article very positive.  It 
> said all the spaces were full or close to full.  This means a lot more 
> people like their spaces than dislike them.
> On Sunday, March 10, 2013 9:57:10 PM UTC-7, FreedomOfWork wrote:
>> Looking at it in a positive way, all co-working space operator must stay 
>> clear from the issues described in the article. After all, anyone who 
>> choose to use the co-working facility are really there to get their works 
>> done economically!  Being focus on the real need of your campers/members 
>> will ensure the continue prosper of your space!
>> Startups Are Getting Sick Of NYC's Dirty, Overcrowded Coworking Spaces

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