Alex and Rachel,

We haven't decided to go virtual or physical yet. The plan is start with a 
simple sign in sheet after they have been in the space the first time. A 
low tech way is sometimes the simplest way. They will have a physical to 
identify themselves as a member. I don't want the person to have to check 
in with a person because all of the spaces are staffed 100% of the time, 
like Creative Density. I am here 80% of the time but am out for a meeting 
or running an errand once or twice during the day.

I am looking for a simple check in service similar to the reward programs 
like Spot On that are popping in retailers. Passport holders will simply 
swipe a card or type in a pin at an iPad or something up front. If we find 
something in the next two months then we will just launch with that. This 
will track everything and provide some data about time, how frequent 
someone uses a space, which space, etc.

The purpose to make it easy for companies to buy multiple memberships and 
allow workers to find the best community for the individual. It makes 
things simple for everyone. $15 for each day pass to the space owner, $350 
to $400 for a passport.

This is not designed to be a project to scale to huge numbers, really over 
150 passport holders or so, because we want it to the be local. Once we let 
it get too big then we have to worry about member distribution, passport 
holders taking over too many spaces, and the logistics and policies that 
came with a larger program. This is a local venture to support remote 
workers and help Denver coworking spaces meet their financial obligations.

As for fundraising for Denver Coworks we seeked sponsors for Denver 
Coworking week and raised around $1500. This money went to t-shirts, bbqs, 
and left a bit in the pot for the group's future activities. We are 
debating whether new members should pay a joiners fee of $100 to $200 to 
contribute to the pot but we don't want to shut new spaces from joining the 
group knowing that money is an issue. We also are getting request from real 
estate groups and businesses that want to speak to the group and we will 
charge them a fee to do so. We are also debating an annual fee for being 
part of the group, sponsors for events and the entire group. We don't have 
many financial obligations but a small pot of money would give us the 
freedom to raise awareness together with a campaign.


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