I think i miss people in this icon. Just a feeling.

On Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 1:48:32 PM UTC-2, Fernando Aguirre wrote:
> Guys, thanks for the feedback.
> The first thing I think when creating this post is to discuss: We need a 
> universal symbol? It is a good idea? Help the movement?
> Second: It is impossible in one symbol represent all that means coworking. 
> If we create one, we need to be selective. Other media help us other 
> meanings.
> Third: I am not a Brand Designer. I made an initial proposal to start it. 
> Someone else can do better. But you can see how to build my idea in the 
> attached file.
> Responding to Ramon:
> I believe that the symbol should not have an owner. It should be free. 
> Distributed by a free license such as Creative Commons. Anyone can use 
> anywhere.
> <https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-U7zeV_C5S7Q/VLU-Rmbt2PI/AAAAAAAAAUk/10eV0kAKm_M/s1600/coworking-symbol-2.jpg>
> On Monday, January 12, 2015 at 10:17:08 PM UTC, Fernando Aguirre wrote:
>> Hello. I'm thinking it would be interesting to be a universal symbol for 
>> coworking. So you can easily identify coworking spaces in general. As there 
>> is with pharmacies, schools, police, etc.
>> I believe a symbol can be useful to better spread the concept. As 
>> recently done with the Bug Heartbleed: 
>> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-28/the-branding-of-a-bug-how-heartbleed-became-a-household-name.html
>> as well as the W3C made with HTML5.
>> The idea is a universal symbol, distributed free of copyright. In a quick 
>> study made a proposal. Is attached. Maybe some more talented designer can 
>> propose something better.
>> What do you think?
>> <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-A-bekElkF3s/VLRHgbDgJTI/AAAAAAAAAUU/fJeJCWj9_TI/s1600/coworking-simbol.png>

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