On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 12:29:01PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
> YAML::Tiny does.  It doesn't support all the weird nooks and crannies of
> YAML, but parsing META.yml is one of its goals.  I've not looked at
> YAML::Tiny in detail, but provided that it is clever enough to recognise
> bits of YAML that it doesn't understand and fail appropriately, then I
> see no reason why CPAN.pm can't use it.

Due to lots of critism of the name, Adam created Parse::CPAN::Meta to
specifically parse CPAN META.yml files, without upsetting the YAML
people. At some point PCM is hoped to go into core.

As a shameless self plug, you can also test your META.yml with
Test::CPAN::Meta, which uses Parse::CPAN::Meta internally :)

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