I have just recently uploaded a new module called "Padre".
Within a few hours it showed up on
which said there are 8 failed reports. (Later I installed it myself
sending a successful report)
but I could not find the information neither on


linked from search.cpan.org
nor on

More than 24 hours passed since I noticed the failing reports
on search cpan so I wonder why are both of those CPANTESTERS
sites out of date?

Is that because of the rebuilding of the database?

I downloaded the http://cpantesters.perl.org/testers.db.bz2
and all th 9 reports were in the database so using the nntp link
I could find the reports
 (e.g. http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2008/07/msg1948047.html

BTW the http://cpantesters.perl.org/recent.html seems to be up to date.


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