Ah! I just submitted RT #42566 for CPAN.pm

Also, CPAN::Reporter needs a  %s/cpantesters.perl.org/www.cpantesters.org/g

And looks like CPAN::Testers needs it too, plus several other url
updates -- stats, wiki, mailing-list (should mention this list)

if those two don't get acknowledged in this thread, i'll hit RT for
them as well.


On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 3:06 AM, Barbie <bar...@missbarbell.co.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 09:00:29PM -0500, David Westbrook wrote:
> Ah, we have a problem. The files are all there on www.cpantesters.org,
> however:
>> Fetching 'http://cpantesters.perl.org/show/CGI.pm.yaml'...Could not
>> download 'http://cpantesters.perl.org/show/CGI.pm.yaml': 404
> Note the domain and see James' thread regarding the domains :)
> Cheers,
> Barbie.
> --
> Birmingham Perl Mongers <http://birmingham.pm.org>
> Memoirs Of A Roadie <http://barbie.missbarbell.co.uk>

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