On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 02:06:33PM +0000, Chris 'BinGOs' Williams wrote:

> Okay, I think the key phrase here is 'installed'. What we do in the test
> environment is resolve all the dependencies for a given module and the 
> <build_dir>/blib/* directories get added cumulatively to PERL5LIB.

Some of us work that way.  I *install* modules and their dependencies, so
don't rely on PERL5LIB.

> In your test I see that you use '-T' switch which makes perl ignore PERL5LIB,
> hence the blarting about can't find LWP/RobotUA.pm in @INC.

This is indeed a problem.

> Now, I thought CPANPLUS ( which I smoke on ) and CPAN used the same mechanism
> during testing, so I'm going to copy this to the cpan-testers-discuss mailing 
> list
> for any further comments.

I have an evil hack for getting PERL5LIB to kinda-sorta work in taint
mode in the tests for Data::Compare.  Maybe you could steal something
from that for your smokers?

David Cantrell | Nth greatest programmer in the world

    You are so cynical.  And by "cynical", of course, I mean "correct".
         -- Kurt Starsinic

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