On 23 Feb 2010, at 00:03, David Cantrell wrote:
> $ date
> Tue Feb 23 00:02:25 GMT 2010
> $ HEAD http://cpan.cpantesters.org/RECENT|grep ^Last-Modified
> Last-Modified: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 03:35:27 GMT
> $ HEAD http://cpan.hexten.net/RECENT|grep ^Last-Modified
> Last-Modified: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 03:35:27 GMT
> Is PAUSE having problems, or the fast updatey thing, or something else,
> or am I just being Teh Dum?

Hmm. This line from my Nagios status:

FILE_AGE OK: /usr/share/cpan/modules/02packages.details.txt is 2963 seconds old 
and 6163988 bytes 

Leads me to suspect that the fast mirroring engine is doing its thing 
correctly. So dunno :)

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

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