Citeren David Golden <>:

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 11:49 AM, yary <> wrote:
Hello all,

I install Test::Reporter on any machine I administer, so that as I
install perl modules, their success or failure gets reported. Now I'm
getting emails asking me to use HTTP. I'm trying to follow them, but
am hitting roadblocks, and am wondering why I'm jumping through hoops
to fix what seemed to be working fine from my perspective.

Hi, yary.  Thanks for writing with your questions.  The switchover to
HTTP based submission was prompted by the administrators, who
were getting nearly half a million test reports by email -- accounting
for about 99% of monthly email traffic to mailing lists.

NOTE: I have not actively followed the cpan-testers-discuss mailing list nor the switch to CT2 so what I say may have been said before. (appologies if that is the case)

The way I see it there are (at least) two types of reports:

A) those that are coming from cpan smokes/automated testing:
My guess is that most of the email reports are comping from these systems. (Are there any stats on this?)

Those that are smoking cpan should (IMHO) be aware of the changes and the move to CT2 and thus upgrade/install (additional) modules.

B) those that come from users when they install a module on a system:

My guess is that this is a limited amount of email traffic and 'we' can not be expected that everyone knows the details of the reports and the move to CT2.

Assuming the emailaddress is switched off completly at some point: what I expect to happen then is that a (large?) part of the reports that are send by users will be lost because these users are unaware of the need to upgrade the test reporter module and/or can't be bothered enough to upgrade it.

Is it an option to keep the emailaddress but keep the quantity send to it low (read: no automated smokers) so that it does not have a big impact on the infrastructure?

Best regards,


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