On May 26, 2011, at 4:52 AM, Barbie wrote:

> Hi Chris (and anyone else who noticed),
>> The latest CPAN developers release of PDL has test
>> reports from CPAN::Testers::WWW::Statistics and not
>> from PDL.
>> Any idea what happened and where the PDL reports
>> have gone?
> Everything should be back to normal now. To help reduce the load on the
> database, I've streamlined some of the code. Unfortunately, I left a
> test variable in the code when making it live :( Test variable has now
> been removed and all requests should now be returning the correct
> reports.
> Many apologies, I'll be a bit more vigilant next time :)

Thanks Barbie,

I released 3 modules, recently. Some over 2 days ago and I still don't see any 
test results. Should I bump their version and re-submit them to pause?

Todd Rinaldo

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