On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 4:52 AM, Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have not tested it yet but ~ does not seem to be very Windows friendly.
> File::HomeDir->my_home  maybe?

On Windows, it uses ->my_documents instead of ->my_home, which at
least drops .cpanreporter into a directory that users can easily get
to.  Back on Windows XP when I wrote CPAN::Reporter, ->my_home gave a
directory that is hard to find and ->my_data is worse because that's
the hidden "Application Data" file.

Windows doesn't have any natural convention for user-editable text
config files.  And File::HomeDir arguably doesn't simplify matters.
It's slightly less awful in Vista/Win7, since I think there is once
again the concept of a "home" directory that is easily accessible.
But switching locations is a pain for users -- c.f. CPAN and the
issues with File::HomeDir::FreeDesktop making people lose their CPAN

I think the whole thing is a mess and figured that we'd start over
when we get to 2nd gen clients.  I wrote CPAN::Testers::Config to
centralize config data and made that use ->my_home.  I haven't yet
attempted to switch over -- I think the effort is better spent
unravelling CPAN::Reporter into a 2nd gen client, but I'm way too
short on tuits for that so far.

-- David

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