On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Barbie <bar...@missbarbell.co.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 02:39:58PM -0500, chm wrote:
>> On 2/16/2012 2:26 PM, Barbie wrote:
>> >On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 08:04:07PM -0500, chm wrote:
>> >>Reports for PDL apppears stuck on
>> >>Sunday, 12th February 2012 (2:15pm)
>> >>and the Report Summary still lists
>> >>two backpan releases in the version
>> >>summary:
>> >>
>> >>   2.4.9_006
>> >>   2.4.9_007
>> >
>> >Unfortunately there was a bug with some broken JSON files, completely
>> >unrelated to PDL. It meant that no updates have been happening for the
>> >past week. I've now fixed it such broken JSON files now get recreated,
>> >so it shouldn't block similar problems in the future.
>> >
>> >Expect the pages to be updated within the next 24 hours.
>> The Report Summary still shows entries for
>> PDL-2.4.9_006 and PDL-2.4.9_007 a week later.
> Do you mean the table of the PDL page or the emailed summary report?


The tables on the PDL page for Report Summary and PASS
Summary have not been updated.  Since 2.4.10 is the latest
version and it has a large number of pass reports, I would
expect them to show in the PASS Summary table.

Similarly, the Report Summary should only show
results for CPAN versions of PDL if that is what the
options are set to.  As is, the two developers releases
PDL-2.4.9_006 and PDL-2.4.9_007 continue to show
in the summary although both have been deleted from
CPAN for at least a month.

I'll see about trying the email summary information.
I thought it had been discontinued with the new
CPAN Testers 2.


> If the former, please bear in mind this table lists the latest passing
> version, regardless of any preferences. If the latter it would depend
> how you have set your preferences on https://prefs.cpantesters.org.
>> Is this problem also causing the PASS Summary
>> table to not update?  The current one for PDL
>> shows only 3 entries for PDL-2.4.10 but there
>> have been (now) 200 PASS reports.
> As mentioned you need to wait at least 24 hours for the page to include
> all reports. The page seems to have considerably more than 3 now :)
> Cheers,
> Barbie.
> --
> Birmingham Perl Mongers <http://birmingham.pm.org>
> Memoirs Of A Roadie <http://barbie.missbarbell.co.uk>
> CPAN Testers Blog <http://blog.cpantesters.org>
> YAPC Conference Surveys <http://yapc-surveys.org>
> Ark Appreciation Pages <http://ark.eology.org>

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