I just noticed that CPANdeps shows no pass/fail data for perl 5.18.0,
and the reason is ...

barbiesdb> select count(*) from cpanstats where perl='5.16.3';

barbiesdb> select count(*) from cpanstats where perl='5.18.0';

which is in turn because ...

$ lwp-request -m HEAD http://devel.cpantesters.org/cpanstats.db.gz| \
    grep -i modified
Last-Modified: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 16:50:22 GMT

I am now embarrassed at not spotting this sooner :-)

David Cantrell | Cake Smuggler Extraordinaire

    All children should be aptitude-tested at an early age and,
    if their main or only aptitude is for marketing, drowned.

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