Minor set back, the CPAN and BACKPAN mirrors were too big to fit on the
SSDs with the web pages, so having to copy them over to the HDDs. Builders
are up to date, only page requests getting added, rather than reports, so
they're ready to go. Once mirrors have been copied and configured for the
web/ftp/rsync, the sync from master will be restarted. Then the database
will be next.


Birmingham.pm - http://birmingham.pm.org
CPAN Testers - http://cpantesters.org
YAPC Surveys - http://yapc-surveys.org
Perl Jam - http://perljam.info

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 8:11 AM, Barbie <bar...@missbarbell.co.uk> wrote:

> Just to let you know the reports pull has now stopped, with the last
> report pulled from 06:11 UTC. The builder will now catch up, and as soon as
> the DB is as complete as possible, that will be moved over. I'm trying to
> avoid downtime, but you won't see any new reports on the site until the
> processes are all switched on, on the new server.
> Likewise anyone trying to get database updates via the APIs or archived
> data will only get updates up to today. The same applies to the
> CPAN/BACKPAN mirrors, which are being copied over at the moment, and I aim
> to get these up and running on the new server first. Fingers crossed this
> could be this evening or tomorrow morning.
> I'll keep you updated of progress and let you know when processes are
> switched back on.
> Thanks,
> Barbie.
> --
> Birmingham.pm - http://birmingham.pm.org
> CPAN Testers - http://cpantesters.org
> YAPC Surveys - http://yapc-surveys.org
> Perl Jam - http://perljam.info
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Barbie <bar...@missbarbell.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> sorry for the sort notice, but the server upgrade will be happening from
>> Friday, and will continue over the weekend. I hadn't quite expected
>> Bytemark to be so quick getting everything ready for us :)
>> Further details on the blog - http://blog.cpantesters.org/diary/167
>> Please pass on to anyone you know who might be affected.
>> Cheers,
>> Barbie.
>> --
>> Birmingham.pm - http://birmingham.pm.org
>> CPAN Testers - http://cpantesters.org
>> YAPC Surveys - http://yapc-surveys.org
>> Perl Jam - http://perljam.info

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