Hi Dave,

If no-one else gets to it before then, I can perhaps help out with the new
API at the QA Hackathon.

I also may have a server which might be able to accommodate the deps site.
Depending on how the cpxxxan sites are configured, I might also be able to
help with those too.


Birmingham.pm - http://birmingham.pm.org
CPAN Testers - http://cpantesters.org
YAPC Surveys - http://yapc-surveys.org
Perl Jam - http://perljam.info

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 1:21 PM, David Cantrell <da...@cantrell.org.uk>wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 11:07:30AM -0800, Karen Etheridge wrote:
> > Anyone know what's up with deps.cpantesters.org? For quite a while now
> it
> > has been failing to properly fetch and process test reports, so as to
> show
> > the pass/fail rate of various dependencies, e.g.:
> >
> > http://deps.cpantesters.org/?module=Moo;perl=latest
> It relied on the old database dump of CPAN-testers results, but that is
> not longer available. I have yet to gather the tuits necessary to update
> it (and cpxxxan) to use the new API for getting results.
> Patches are, of course, most welcome. As are volunteers to take over the
> hosting and day-to-day feeding and maintenance of both sites.
> There's very little day-to-day maintenance to do though - basically just
> teaching them whenever there's a new release of perl.
> --
> David Cantrell | Cake Smuggler Extraordinaire
> More people are driven insane through religious hysteria than
> by drinking alcohol.    -- W C Fields

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