On 04/24/2014 02:05 PM, David Golden wrote:
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Reini Urban <re...@cpanel.net> wrote:
First, CPAN dependencies are often wrong and maintainers are reluctant to
add missing deps. Zefram is such a case. Tasks rely on proper deps of all
kids, and when single child misses a dep the installation fails. Bundles are
more stable. But of course Tasks are easier to maintain and cause less
hassle on dep changes.

Tasks can add deep (missing) dependencies just as well as Bundles can.

Second, the XS issue. I think filed a bug report years ago, when I had to
write and keep maintaining Bundle::CPANReporter2 to be able install the new
metacpan reporter on several hundred installations. Maybe I'll find it, but
currently I'm a bit busy...

If I missed it, I apologize.

This is what I found.

If I install a Task for 5.15.3 plain and then install it for the debugging version, it does nothing and says "already installed". Different archlibs are not checked.

[Disclaimer: The views expressed in this letter are my own, and do not represent those of my employer.]

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