
when installing modules I prefer to use the package management system of my
operating system - Ubuntu in my case. I prefer that especially for complex
packages or packages that require C compiler or have other external

I cannot do that as many packages are missing even from Debian and Ubuntu.

So I'd like to mix the two methods of installation: CPAN.pm and aptitude.
This has been discussed earlier I just don't remember where so let me
show an example:

I am installing Smolder using CPAN.pm as it does not have a package in Ubuntu.
For every dependency CPAN.pm is trying to install I'd like it to check if the
package is available in Ubuntu and use "sudo aptitude install package-name"
to install those packages.

As I understood from Damyan Ivanov the  dh-make-perl can give me a mapping from
CPAN name to Debian name using either of these:

dh-make-perl --locate Foo::Bar


Debian::AptContents  find_perl_module_package

I have not tried these but let's assume I have the mapping.

How can I write a module (e.g. CPAN::Ubuntu) that - if installed -
can take over the call to install a module in both when asked by the
user or when triggered by a dependency and run the sudo ...
instead? If the native package is not available it should proceed with the
regular CPAN.pm installation.

Is there anything in the working that can be used for this?
What should be the name of such module ?


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