
initially planned being one big topic for my QAH attendance, but Murphy
decided to keep me busy otherwise (broken car, for everyone who didn't
recognize on QAH...).

Well - things are settling meanwhile and I have a few moments to think
about the tasks I missed to finish in Berlin. One is File::ShareDir.

The intension is to let File::ShareDir get closer to File::ConfigDir
(and later let File::ConfigDir steal some features from File::ShareDir).

The longterm goal is having it behave a bit more like "share" is intended
(read until end of mail - don't scream here). There is no plan to break
backwards compatibility (and if it happens on accident, the intension is
to fix it and hopefully detect before it happens).

Back to ideas for File::ShareDir:

1) analogous to File::ConfigDir have a bunch of share-dir prefixes
   including existing prefixes (core_share_dir, site_share_dir,
   vendor_share_dir, ...) and new ones (system_share_dir, machine_share_dir,
   here_share_dir, ...).
   ==> here is can be sane to have plugins like 
       for $ENV based locations (eg. FOO_BASE) or framework related extension.
2) Upon the prefixes, the dist_dir(), module_dir() will calculate the
   Full Qualified Share Dir as requested. It'll very likely to have other
   preferences is prefix picking for legacy API and new API (-> 3)
3) introduce better accessors (dist_share_dir, module_share_dir, app_share_dir,
   dist_config_dir, module_config_dir, ...).

The goal is allow a module access share-dirs from different applications
(eg. templates to process) or let applications rely on different immutable
files from several distributions (think LaTeX as an example).

Jens Rehsack - rehs...@gmail.com

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